Studies on Education, Migration and Segregation (EMS)

Education and housing are two foundations in the Swedish welfare society. A group that has found it increasingly difficult to assert themselves in both the school- and the housing market are individuals with a foreign background, that is people who were either born in another country or whose parents immigrated to Sweden. It is not uncommon for people who come to Sweden from other countries to bring significant educational capital with them from their country of origin, but find it difficult to assert it in the Swedish education system or in the Swedish labour market. The research network Studies on Education, Migration and Segregation (EMS) aims to bring together researchers from different research environments in order to theoretically and methodologically deepen and develop new perspectives on issues concerning these multifaceted societal processes.
Head of Network
Håkan Forsberg, Department of Education, Uppsala university.
Andreas Alm Fjellborg, Institute for Housing and Urban Research, Uppsala university.
Andreas Melldahl, Department of Education, Uppsala university.
Anna Bennich-Björkman, Department of Education, Uppsala university.
Anna-Maria Fjellman, Department of Education and Special Education, Gothenburg university.
Caitlin Mc Evoy, Department of Education, Uppsala university.
Chiara Valli, Department of Urban Studies, Malmö university.
Emil Bertilsson, Department of Education, Uppsala university.
Emma Holmqvist, Institute for Housing and Urban Research, Uppsala university.
Eric Larsson, Department of Education, Stockholm university.
Eva Andersson, Department of Human Geography, Stockholm university.
Hassan Sharif, Department of Education, Uppsala university.
Ida Lidegran, Department of Education, Uppsala university.
Ioanna Misheva Blasko, Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala university.
Jan Amcoff, Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala university.
Jennifer Waddling, Department of Education, Uppsala university.
Johanna Ringarp, Department of Education, Uppsala university.
Leonora Dugonjic-Rodwin, Department of Education, Uppsala university.
Maria Rasmusson, Department of Education, Uppsala university.
Mats Målqvist, Department of Women's and Children's Health. Research group UGHRIS - Uppsala Global Health Research on Implementation and Sustainability. Uppsala university.
Mette Ginnerskov-Dahlberg, Department of Education, Uppsala university.
Micheline van Riemsdijk, Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala university.
Mikael Börjesson, Department of Education, Uppsala university.
Nathan Joel Young, Department of Swedish Language and Multilingualism, Stockholm university.
Nubin Ciziri, Department of Education, Uppsala university.
Pablo Lillo Cea, Department of Education, Uppsala university.
Philippa Brunner-Heywood, Department of Education, Uppsala university.
Samaneh Khaef, Department of Human Geography, Stockholm university.
Sara Forsberg, Department of Human Geography, Stockholm university.
Susanne Urban, Institute for Housing and Urban Research and Department of Sociology, Uppsala university.
Tobias Dalberg, Department of Education, Uppsala university.
Tommie Petersson, Department of Education, Uppsala university.
Yann Renisio, Researcher at CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique), Paris.
Here we present a selection of the network members' latest publications
Fjellborg, A. A. (2021). Leaving poor neighbourhoods: the role of income and housing tenure. Housing Studies, 36(7), 1122-1142.
Fjellborg, A. A. (2021). Out-mobility from Stockholm’s immigrant-dense neighbourhoods–a study of two cohorts. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 103(1), 1-20.
Fjellborg, A. A. (2021). Residential mobility and spatial sorting in Stockholm 1990-2014: the changing importance of housing tenure and income. International Journal of Housing Policy, 1-21.
Fjellborg, A. A., & Forsberg, H. (2021). Commuting patterns of preschool children in metropolitan Stockholm. Regional Science Policy & Practice.
Forsberg, S. (2022). The symbolic gift of education in migrant families and compromises in school choice. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 0(0), 1–18.
Forsberg, S. (2021). Ungas framtidsutsikter i Kalix och Botkyrka: Habitus, mobilitet och rumsliga dominansförhållanden. Kulturella Perspektiv–Svensk etnologisk tidskrift, 30.
Forsberg, S. (2021). Utbildning i lokala och globala perspektiv: Valet av gymnasieskola i familjer med migrationsbakgrund. Geografiska Notiser, 79(1).
Hertting, N., & Urban, S. (2020). Utsatta bostadsområden och områdesorienterad politik: problembilder, målsättningar och implementeringsstrategier i det svenska fallet.
Holmqvist, E., Jutvik, K., & Molina, I. (2020). Preserving the voice of the affected: A survey about the link between residence status and work, studies, housing, gender equality, and well-being.
Holmqvist, E., Omanović, V., & Urban, S. (2020). Organisation av arbetsmarknads och bostadsintegration.
Hultqvist, E., & Lidegran, I. (2021). The use of ‘cultural capital’ in sociology of education in Sweden. international studies in sociology of education, 30(3), 349-356.
Jutvik, K., Holmqvist, E., & Lidén, G. (2021). Housing policy as a tool for migration control: Liberal or restrictive policy stances among Swedish municipalities after the European migrant crisis. In The annual conference of the Swedish Political Association,[DIGITAL], 29-30 september, 2021.
Lidegran, I., Hultqvist, E., Bertilsson, E., & Börjesson, M. (2021). Insecurity, lack of support, and frustration: A sociological analysis of how three groups of students reflect on their distance education during the pandemic in Sweden. European Journal of Education, 56(4), 550-563.
Lidén, G., Jutvik, K., & Holmqvist, E. (2021). Local housing policy for immigrants: Liberal or restrictive policy stances among Swedish municipalities after the European migrant crisis. In ECPR General Conference, Virtual Event, 30 August–3 September 2021.
Trumberg, A., & Urban, S. (2021). School choice and its long-term impact on social mobility in Sweden. Scandinavian journal of educational research, 65(4), 569-583.
Urban, S. (2021). Etnisk boendesegregation.
Urban, S. (2020). Hur klass gör skillnad. Klasspositionens betydelse för rasistiska och negativt särskiljande praktiker: Mikael Svensson. Sociologisk forskning, 57(2), 214-216.