Doctoral Schools

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The Department of Education is the host for a Doctoral School funded by the Swedish Research Council: School, sport, screen. The department also participates in several other Doctoral Schools

School, Sport, Screen: Value-laden Learning Practices

Together with the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences and Södertörn University, Uppsala University has been granted funding from the Swedish Research Council, with Uppsala University as the responsible institution, for the research school.

Read about the Research School

Education, Learning, and Globalisation

The doctoral school Education, Learning and Globalisation, investigates what it means that preschool, school, and higher education are increasingly positioned in an international context with migration flows, global policy actors, and multinational companies. How can this be understood socially, culturally, historically, and from a learning perspective?

Within the framework of the graduate school, three areas are focused on:

  • Globalisation processes and education
  • Language, learning and internationalisation
  • Intercultural and norm-critical perspectives on preschool, school and teacher education.

The doctoral school offers an environment that affirms interdisciplinary, internationalisation, and clear links to school and teacher education. In September 2020, 10 doctoral students began their doctoral programmes.

Contact: Mikael Börjesson

Assessment of Knowledge in Educational Systems (ASSESS)

ASSESS is a graduate school with a focus on assessment of knowledge in educational systems (acronym ASSESS) which started in 2020. The graduate school is a collaboration between three higher education institutions; Gothenburg, Uppsala and Stockholm universities. ASSESS 'purpose is to strengthen research competence and educational research in the assessment area within teacher education.

The graduate school focuses on developing quantitative research competence for critical review and in-depth analyses of national and international knowledge measurements. One goal is to make better use of existing knowledge measurements and evaluations for important educational science issues. The graduate school comprises 18 doctoral students who in various ways are connected to the teacher education programs at the collaborating higher education institutions, six of them work at The Department od Education.

Contact: Maria Rasmusson

RelMaS - Relevancing mathematics and science education

RelMaS is a teacher educators’ graduate school, that addresses the challenges of educating younger generations for navigating and transforming a complex world of climate change.

Relevancing mathematics and science education (RelMaS) is a national program financed by the Swedish Research Council to strengthen the research capacity of teacher educators. RelMaS has received funding for two cohorts of students. The first cohort, RelMaS 1, runs from 2020-2024, and the second cohort, RelMaS 2, runs from 2022-2026.

The purpose of RelMaS is to strengthen research in mathematics and science education, by engaging teacher educators in practice-oriented research aiming to analyse and develop didactic models for making relevant mathematics and science education.

Contact: Leif Östman

Schooling in perspective: A graduate school in applied history of education (PEDASK)

In 2020, the national graduate school “Schooling in perspective: A graduate school in applied history of education” starts. This graduate school, funded by the Swedish Research Council, is a unique investment in educational history research that aims to make a fundamental contribution to the international field of history of education by developing research in applied history of education. It is thus a graduate school for those who want to understand why our school system looks like it does today, want to nuance the image of the school “in the good old days” marketed in the media, or reveal the conflicts and injustices that have characterised the history of education. In all, the graduate school funds ten PhD-students, and includes a couple of externally funded PhD-students as affiliated PhD students.

Contact: Esbjörn Larsson

