Teacher Mobility
The teacher exchange is an essential way to develop the professional competence of the staff within each Nordplus Network institution.
Academic staff of any nationality employed at HEIs in the participating countries may be awarded a Nordplus grant for exchanges in another Nordic or Baltic country. The exchange can include teaching, tutoring, development of teaching materials, etc. It is also possible to use these grants for activities connected to work placements and collaboration with the labour market. The minimum duration of the teacher exchange is eight teaching/working hours. The following rules apply to Nordplus teacher mobility grants:
- If the grant is paid as an individual scholarship, confirmation of receipt of the scholarship should be signed before payment (please find the document on nordplusonline.org under ‘Documents’).
- A final report on the exchange must be submitted by the grant holder after the exchange has been completed.
- Mobility support may only be granted to academic staff. Networks/ institutions are welcome to explore opportunities for staff exchanges with the support of Erasmus+.
The process
The activities that are to take place during the teaching exchange, should be mentioned in the Nordplus application form, which is sent to the coordinator. The teacher exchange should last a minimum of one week (five working days) or eight teaching hours.
Exchange visit gives the teachers new view points and ideas and enables them to develop their teaching competences and skills. During their mobility period, teachers get a change to know their Nordic and Baltic colleagues and compare the different educational systems. The teaching exchange should be integrated into the host institutions teaching activities. Besides, giving lectures, the exchange teacher can also tutor the host institution’s students and participate in producing teaching materials.