PhD Half-time Seminar Rikard Höglund: End-to-End (Group) Communication Security for the IoT

  • Date: 30 May 2024, 13:00–14:30
  • Location: Ångström Laboratory, Beurlingrummet (Ång 10238)
  • Type: Seminar
  • Lecturer: Rikard Höglund
  • Organiser: Department of Electrical Engineering

Dear all,

we would like to invite anyone interested to my PhD half-time seminar.

Title: End-to-End (Group) Communication Security for the IoT

Supervisors: Shahid Raza, Thiemo Voigt, Marco Tiloca

Chairperson: Associate Professor Roland Hostettler, Department of Electrical Engineering, Uppsala University

Location: Beurlingrummet (Ång 10238) - Ångströmlaboratoriet,59.837841&zoom=18&sharepoitype=poi&sharepoi=389884

Time: Thursday 30th of May 13:00-14:30

Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) describes a vast range of Internet-enabled devices equipped with sensors, actuators, or general processing ability. The fast growth of the IoT, which already today connects billions of devices, is only expected to accelerate through the deployment of devices across environments including public spaces, factories, and smart buildings. Applications of such deployments include environment monitoring, control of infrastructure, and Industry 4.0. As IoT devices become increasingly embedded in society, it is crucial to ensure the secure operation of these devices. A particular challenge with many IoT devices is that they are resource constrained in terms of processing power, network bandwidth and energy budget. Hence, any security solution applied to these devices must not only be secure but also resource efficient in their operation. The focus of this thesis work is to design, develop and evaluate a solutions toolbox to provide lightweight methods for secure operation of IoT devices. Specific technologies explored include key exchange update solutions for IoT devices, enabling them to securely renew their key material for continued secure communication. Furthermore, approaches for making IoT devices more robust against Denial-of-Service attacks have been explored. One special focus area has been improving and efficiently utilizing end-to-end secure group communication for IoT devices, which can allow them to reduce energy usage from radio transmissions that tend to be a large part of their energy budget.

