Thesis Defence Sribalaji C. Anand: Risk-Based Analysis and Control of Secure Control Systems

  • Date: 30 May 2024, 09:00
  • Location: Ångströmslaboratoriet, Häggsalen (10132)
  • Type: Thesis defence
  • Thesis author: Sribalaji C. Anand
  • External reviewer: Prof. Anders Rantzer, Lund University
  • Supervisor: André Teixeira
  • Research subject: Electrical Engineering with Specialisation in Automatic Control

On Thursday May 30, doctoral student Sribalaji C. Anand at the Division of Signals and Systems defends the thesis "Risk-Based Analysis and Control of Secure Control Systems". Welcome!


Networked Control Systems (NCSs) are integral to many critical infrastructures such as power grids, transportation, and production systems. The resilient operation of such NCS against cyber-attacks is essential for society, and risk management presents an effective framework for addressing these security challenges. The risk management framework encompasses two steps: risk assessment and risk mitigation. The risk assessment step aims to quantify the risk, whereas the risk mitigation step focuses on designing mitigation strategies. This thesis leverages the risk management framework to analyze and design NCSs that are resilient to cyber-attacks. In particular, this thesis aims to address the following research challenges.

Firstly, we aim to assess the risk of attack scenarios that are realistic (risk assessment step). In particular, we consider adversaries and operators with different levels of knowledge about the NCS. For instance, an adversary or operator may possess complete knowledge of the system dynamics or have only partial knowledge with varying degrees of uncertainty. Hence, we describe a systematic approach to assess the risk considering the interplay between the knowledge levels of adversaries and operators.

Secondly, we aim to design the NCS to minimize the risk of attacks (risk mitigation step). We explore three different strategies to minimize the risk: (a) controller/detector design, (b) security measure allocation, and (c) system architecture design. In the first strategy, we design the controller and detector gains to minimize the risk of attacks. Here, risk is characterized by the performance loss caused by stealthy attacks on the NCS. In the second strategy, we consider a distributed NCS where certain distributed devices can be secured from attacks by deploying secure sensors and actuators. Then, we aim to strategically determine the devices to secure and mitigate the risk of attacks effectively. Finally, inspired by digital watermarking, we explore the idea of introducing watermarks in NCS to detect attacks efficiently. Throughout the thesis, we provide various numerical examples to depict the efficacy of risk assessment and risk mitigation algorithms. We also provide numerous discussions and avenues for future research directions.

