Ciaran McDonough (HI): 'Medieval Law in the Nineteenth Century: Ireland, Iceland and the Uses of Legal History'

  • Date: 29 November 2023, 15:15–17:00
  • Location: English Park, 16-1044
  • Type: Lecture
  • Organiser: Celtic Section, Department of English, Uppsala University
  • Contact person: Gregory Darwin

Between 1820 and 1880, scholars in many European countries turned their attention to the various corpora of medieval law, producing editions and translations of this legal material. This talk focuses on Ireland and Iceland to investigate this phenomenon, examining how the translations and editions were produced; why; and how they were received and used by wider society.

Dr. Ciaran McDonough (Marie Skłodowska Curie Fellow, Institute of History / Sagnfræðistofnun, University of Iceland / Háskóli Íslands)

Abstract: Between 1820 and 1880, scholars in many European countries turned their attention to the various corpora of medieval law, producing editions and translations of this legal material. This talk focuses on Ireland and Iceland to investigate this phenomenon, examining how the translations and editions were produced; why; and how they were received and used by wider society.


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