Games Cafe at GeDi in Game

  • Date: 25 February 2023, 16:00–18:00
  • Location: Campus Gotland, Strandgatan 1b (Residenset)
  • Type: Workshop
  • Lecturer: Organiser of the event is GeDi in Game. GeDi is a network for Gender Diversity in game.
  • Organiser: GeDi for Game
  • Contact person: Martina Oyhenard Vazquez

GeDi in Game invites everyone interested to the first Games Cafe. It’s a casual event for us to all meet for the first time, share ideas, and have a chill time. :-)

On the Saturday 25th of February between 16.00 - 18.00 will a lots of retro, Switch and board games be set up in Haven in the G Building. Coffee/cakes/snacks will be served in the kitchen. We are open to any and all, regardless of if you are a student or not, and hope to see you there! We will have a suggestion corner for you to bring ideas, concerns and thoughts regarding the organisation and goals of gender diversity in games. We are an evolving and open group and welcome any ideas you bring!

Thanks for all the feedback we received from our forms, we have better understood what we are, who we can be, and what we can do that people are interested in!

