Game Design Educators Summit

  • Date: 24 May 2023, 12:34 – 25 May 2023, 23:59
  • Location: Campus Gotland, Rosa Huset, Donners plats 6, Visby
  • Type: Workshop
  • Organiser: Department of Game Design
  • Contact person: Professor Doris Rusch

Game design educators are invited to the Department of Game Design on Campus Gotland for a summit two days prior to the Gotland Game Conference to discuss and exchange experiences and knowledge.

The Educators’ Summit is a two-day gathering of people teaching subjects in higher education that are relevant for games as artefacts and lived culture, particularly focusing on game design, art and animation, game programming, storytelling and narrative design, and the management of game projects. It happens in real life, on Gotland, May 24-25, right before the main part of Gotland Games Conference, which happens May 27-28.

From specific questions around teaching and being a teacher in this field, we also want to address the big questions, such as: what can we as game educators contribute to society and education at large? What is the value of Game literacy?

Our goal is to use these two days to exchange experiences around the challenges, joys, and lessons learnt of teaching “Games Stuff.”

Full program:

May 24th 2023

8:30-9:00 Registration 

9:00-9:15 – Opening with Greetings

9:15-9:40: “Negotiating Artefacts: Student Game Creation for Education and Introspection”, presenter: Adam Jerrett, University of Portsmouth

9:45-10:10 "Excavate!" and Waterworks! - a few words on how to popularize research results and teach history through games”, presenter: Waclow Kulczykowski, University of Gdansk

10:15-10:40: “Theater as Playful Laboratory for Game Writing Education”, presenters: Rebecca Rouse, Louise Persson, University of Skövde

10:40-11:10 BREAK

11:15-13:15 WORKSHOP: “Using Jams to get out of Creative Pickles”, Ray Whitcher, Uppsala University

13:15-14:15 LUNCH

14:15-14:40  “Creating an Intra-disciplinary Environment for Games Research and Teaching (or Becoming Un-Disciplined and other “Knotty” and Unruly Challenges”, presenter: Lissa Holloway-Attaway, University of Skövde

14:45 – 15:10 “Teaching game students with neuropsychiatric impairments – strategies for inclusive and accessible teaching”, presenter: Ulf Wilhelmsson, University of Skövde

15:10-15:30 BREAK

15:30-16:30 Keynote: "A Celebration of Teaching, Researching, & Loving Games", Andy Phelps


May 25th

9:00 – 9:25: “Teaching games while queer: When your identity is the subject?”, presenters: Josephine Baird, Sabine Harrer, Uppsala University

9:30-9:55 “Boal on a Boat – Teaching Critical Game Making”, presenter: Patrick Prax, Uppsala University

10:00-10:25 “Reimagining Game Projects: Graduate strengths for tomorrow's industry”, presenters: Andreas Jonasson, Ulf Wilhelmsson, Jamie Fawcus, University of Skövde

10:25-10:45 BREAK

10:45-11:10 "Student Game Project MegaTeams: A Post-Mortem", presenter: José P. Zagal, the University of Utah

11:15-11:40 "Developing a Master's Curriculum in Transformative Analog Role-playing Game Design”, presenters: Sarah Lynne BowmanJosefin Westborg, Elektra Diakolambrianou, Josephine Baird

Registration link to fill out by Friday, April 28th. WELCOME to VISBY!

Link to Abstracts

