Game Changer: Insights on Product Development and Management from a Game Producer's Perspective
- Date: 19 September 2023, 12:00–13:00
- Location: Campus Gotland, Zoom,
- Type: Lecture
- Lecturer: Henrik Rosvall, Game Producer and Product Manager
- Organiser: Department of Game Design, Uppsala University
- Contact person: Lina Sors Emilsson
- Phone: +46 (0)701-67 98 18
Meet Henrik Rosvall, a driven and humble leader in game development with a previous career in tech and media.
Henrik will join Gotland Game Talks to share his project management and product development insights. Specifically, we will talk about agile and non-agile processes and how to lead a developing team, comparing experiences ranging from running a startup to leading production in one of the largest game companies in Sweden.
Date: 19th of September 2023
Time: 12.00-12.30 CET, followed by a 30-minute Q&A session.
The Gotland Game Talk is organised and hosted by the Game Design Department at Campus Gotland, Uppsala University. This is an open seminar series in a popular scientific setting that is also part of the curriculum for game design students studying to become project managers at Uppsala University.