Persona Project

People living in tents

Social capital, administrative traditions and crisis management in the EU

  • Period: 2014-01-01 – 2019-12-31
  • Funder: MSB


The Persona-project aims at uncovering and explaining differences in norms and administrative systems that may impede or favour efficient cooperation in crisis management. An additional purpose is to develop alternative courses of action that may discourage those differences or possibly bridge them.

Emphasising social capital, the project is carried out through studies of key actors and norm formation in crisis management, in order to identify how actors are affected by administrative traditions. To some extent other socio-economic factors, democratic values, attitudes towards hierarchies and matters of accountability will be considered.

The project intends to provide a map of norms and administrative traditions, covering decision makers within the central EU administration as well as the relevant authorities in a selection of member states.


The final results have been published in “Civil Protection and European Union – How Trust and Administrative Culture Matter for Crisis Management”, published by Palgrave (London).

Project leader: Sten Widmalm
Co-investigators: Charles Parker, Thomas Persson

The project has produced articles in academic journals:

Persson, T., Parker C.F. and Widmalm, S. (2019) “How trust in EU institutions is linked to trust in national institutions: Explaining confidence in EU governance among national-level public officials”, European Union Politics, Vol. 20, No. 4: 629–648,

Parker, C.F., Persson, T., and Widmalm, S (2018) “The Effectiveness of National and EU-level Civil Protection Systems: Evidence from 17 Member States”, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 26, No. 9: 1312–1334,

Persson, T., Parker, C.F. and Widmalm, S. (2017) “Social trust, impartial administration and public confidence in EU crisis management”, Public Administration 95(1): 97-114.

And there is a chapter based on the results from our study published here:

Widmalm, S., Persson, T., and Parker, Charles C.F. (2018a) The EU’s civilian crisis management capacity and the challenge of trust, i Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, Antonina, Michalski, Anna and Oxelheim, Lars (eds) The European Union: Facing the Challenge of Multiple Security Threats, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Also see:

Widmalm, S. (2018) ”New Public Management som överideologi”, i "Yrkesmänniskan i den kapitaliserade välfärden." Redaktör: Carl Cederberg. Utkommer 2019.

Widmalm, S., Persson, T. och Parker, C.F. (2016) "EU:s civila krishanteringsförmåga och tillitens utmaningar" i Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, A., Michalski, A. och Oxelheim, L. (red), "EU och de nya säkerhetshoten: Europaperspektiv 2016". Stockholm: Santérus förlag.

Widmalm, S. (2016) After NPM, curb your enthusiasm over the Principal-Agent theory. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift (118:1).

Widmalm, S. (2016) Åtstramningspolitiken hotar den grekiska demokratin. Tidskriften Respons. Nr. 3.

Widmalm, S. (2016) IMF, EU och den grekiska demokratin. Tidskriften Respons. Nr. 4.

Widmalm, S., Persson, T. och Parker, C.F. (2016) "Bilda humanitär EU-allians", Uppsala Nya Tidning (UNT) 2016-02-03.

Widmalm, Sten (2015) Den bräckliga tilliten. Psykisk hälsa. Nr. 3.

