Apply for the PhD programme 2025
The Department of Government now announces three vacant PhD positions.
Currently, we announce two open PhD positions, meaning that the PhD students will decide the direction and theme of their PhD projects during the first year of the program.
The third PhD position is linked to the project "Should I stay or should I go? Polling station lines, voter turnout, and democratic equality". This project aims to provide new insights into whether and how an increased cost of voting due to long lines at polling stations discourage voters from participating in elections. More broadly, the project addresses how electoral administration and institutions affect voter turnout. An important focus of the project is to study how these effects on electoral participation may vary across different groups of voters, potentially threatening democratic equality. The project is led by Marcus Österman (Principal Investigator) and Axel Cronert. The project builds on two empirical approaches: one utilizing registry data for the study of voter turnout in Sweden, and another leveraging a cross-national survey for the study of how the effects of polling station lines differ across national contexts. Within the framework of the project, the PhD student will have the opportunity to shape his or her own research focus. The PhD student will be part of the state-of-the-art research environment at the Department of Government on political participation and its determinants.
Find out more about "Should I stay or should I go?" here
Planned entry date is 1 September 2025. The deadline for submitting your application is 31 January 2025.
Do you want to learn more about the PhD Programme?
The Department of Government offers two information sessions via zoom: 18 December at 16.00 and 20 January at 16.00.
Please fill out this form below if you are interested in attending.