Maja Bondestam promoted to professor
The Chancellor of Uppsala University has promoted Maja Bondestam to Professor in the History of Science and Ideas. The decision enters into force on 1 February.
Bondestam defended her PhD dissertation, Den moraliska kroppen: Tolkningar av kön och individualitet i 1800-talets populärmedicin, in 2002. She is the author of three additional monographs: Tvåkönad: studier i den svenska hermafroditens historia (2010), Människans metamorfos: Ålder och den mognande kroppens politik, 1580–1850 (2020), and De utomordentliga: Normaliseringen av monster och naturens utkant, 1600–1830 (2022). She has also edited a number of works, including Exceptional Bodies in Early Modern Culture: Concepts of Monstrosity Before the Advent of the Normal (2020).
(Image removed) Maja Bondestam