Magnus Essand and Ingrid Glimelius awarded research grants from the Sjöberg Foundation
The Sjöberg Foundation has awarded Magnus Essand SEK 4.5 million for a project on systemic CAR-T cell therapy of the brain tumour glioblastoma. Ingrid Glimelius receives SEK 6 million to study early relapse detection in the cancer type malignant mantle cell lymphoma.
The Sjöberg Foundation shall, according to the donor Bengt Sjöberg’s will, support research that makes a different for cancer patients. The foundation therefore acts to support neglected areas where the patients are particularly vulnerable since effective drugs are lacking or the costs are too high.
The Foundation has this year awarded grants to four researchers at Uppsala University. The other grants are awarded Karin Nordin, Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, and Peter Thelin Schmidt, Department of Medical Sciences.
More information:
Magnus Essand’s research (Link removed)
Ingrid Glimelius’ research (Link removed)