Grants from the Childhood Cancer Foundation to IGP researchers

Anna Dimberg and Karin Forsberg Nilsson have received project grants from the Swedish Childhood Cancer Foundation in the area childhood tumours in the peripheral and central nervous system. In addition, Evgenia Gubanova and Ren Sun have been granted funding for a two-year post doc period.

Anna Dimberg has been granted SEK 1.2 million for three years to study blood vessels as targets for cancer therapy in childhood brain tumours. Karin Forsberg Nilsson has received a grant of SEK 800 000 for a project about mechanism for pediatric brain tumour development and therapy.

Evgenia Gubanova will during her post doc in Sven Nelander’s group study if zebrafish are an efficient model for initial in vivo testing of target genes in neuronal childhood tumours. Ren Sun is a post doc in Linda Holmfeldt’s group and his project concerns functional evaluation of mutations in Polycomb Repressive Complex 2.

More information:
The Swedish Childhood Cancer Foundation


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