New article: Media responses to media criticism
The article “Media Responses to Media Criticism. An Analysis of Response Practices in the Weekly Swedish Podcast MattssonHelin” by Göran Svensson and Torbjörn von Krogh is published in Nordicom Review 38 (1) 2017.
The findings corroborate earlier research about response strategies and paradigm repair. However, Svensson and von Krogh, as an addition point out the existence of ambiguous and incoherent responses that merit greater attention in future research. They also argue that prescribing discussion in itself can be seen as a response strategy. These two responses are further part of a “grey zone” or transitory area in the accommodative-defensive continuum.
The article in full text: “Media Responses to Media Criticism. An Analysis of Response Practices in the Weekly Swedish Podcast MattssonHelin”, Nordicom Review 38 (1) 2017
Göran Svensson is a senior lecturer in media and communication studies at the Department of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University.