Inauguration of professors and inaugural lectures – Owen Eriksson and Darek Haftor
Uppsala University inauguration of professors 2019 – inauguration of informatics and media’s two new professors Owen Eriksson and Darek Haftor.
Owen Eriksson and Darek Haftor will do their inaugural lectures 13 November when the new professors at Faculty of Social Sciences do their inaugural lectures.
Owen Eriksson: ”Tala om fakta! Om den nya digitala verklighetens institutioner.”
Darek Haftor: ”Analoga och digitala världar. Några kontraster.”
New professors at the Faculty of Social Sciences
Inauguration of professors 2019
Inauguration of professors – Grand tradition with medieval roots
Owen Eriksson, professor at the Department of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University
Darek Haftor, professor at the Department of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University