Doctoral studies at the Department of Information Tecnology

Are you interested in becoming part of exciting research? Our PhD programmes are tailored to prepare ambitious students for success at top universities, both nationally and internationally. As a PhD student, you will receive the highest quality education and the opportunity to contribute to society.

At the Department of Information Technology, we offer two different doctoral degrees: the Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Technology and the Licentiate of Philosophy or Licentiate of Technology. The program comprises 240 credits, which corresponds to four years of courses and research. In most cases, it also includes up to one year of teaching or other departmental duties, which means that the appointment lasts up to five years.

How to become a doctoral student

Read our admission procedures below and the Faculty's (Teknat) general information on curriculum and funding.

Doctoral studies

Be a part of our inspiring community and shape the future of technology!

The vast majority of our PhD students have successfully applied for an open PhD position, which gives rise to a salaried employment. Note that scholarships/stipends as well as employment in industry or at another university are special cases. Open PhD positions are advertised whenever funding is available, which can be any time of the year. The advertisements are published on our external website and on

If you are offered the PhD position you applied for, then you need to fill in the following three documents (the forms are available at the faculty website) in cooperation with the recruiting supervisors, in order to apply for actual admission to the PhD programme:

  • Application for admission
  • Cover page for admission to doctoral education
  • Individual study plan

Send these three documents, together with a copy of your degree, certificates and diplomas from your basic degree or graduate studies, to They will hand all these documents and draw up an employment contract, which will then be submitted to the Head of Department. The Head of Department makes the final decision on whether or not to admit the applicant to the doctoral program.

Please, read your relevant course program in order to understand the course requirements of (your specialisation in) your PhD subject.

Mandatory Course by the Teknat Faculty

A course in research ethics, of at least 2 credits, is mandatory for a licentiate or doctoral degree at Teknat, and mandatory at the IT department to fulfill the requirements for half-time. Search for research ethics on Teknat's postgraduate courses and see also UU's education on research ethics.

Pedagogical Courses

The Department offers a 2,5 credit course to newly appointed PhD students named "Pedagogical introduction for teaching assistants in IT" at start of the academic year. The course content includes formal structures, theoretical foundations, tutoring, student interaction, assignment assessments and presentations skills. To enroll, please send an e-mail to administrator of PhD studies.

A course on teacher training is highly recommended for PhD students with teaching responsibilities. For instance, you might consider the popular 7,5 credit Academic Teacher Traning Course.

Faculty-wide Courses at Teknat

Teknat offers joint doctoral courses that are open to doctoral students from different subjects and specialisations. You can find the current course offerings at Teknat Faculty-wide PhD-level Courses. It is worth noting that several of these courses are given by us at the IT department.

Courses by the IT Department

The IT Department regularly offers a core curriculum of PhD courses. In addition, PhD courses in the form of seminars and guest lectures are often organised to cover particular issues and current research topics. Every PhD student is free to attend any course in any subject, so all course lists should be read through, especially as there are broad introductory courses in each list. Here are the course lists of the:

Other sites with relevant courses

Scientific Computing

  • with general specialisation
  • with specialisation in Numerical Analysis

Computer Science

  • with general specialisation
  • with specialisation in Database Technology
  • with specialisation in Computing Education Research
  • with specialisation in Computer Communications
  • with specialisation in Embedded Systems
  • with specialisation in Human-Computer Interaction

Computerised Image Processing

Electrical Engineering

  • with specialisation in Automatic Control
  • with specialisation in Signal Processing

Machine Learning


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