Tom Mulisa defends his thesis in Constitutional Law
- Date: 1 September 2023, 10:15–14:00
- Location: Brusewitzsalen, Östra Ågatan 19, Uppsala
- Type: Thesis defence
- Thesis author: undefined
- Organiser: Faculty of Law, Uppsala University
- Contact person: Maria Cicilaki
Tom Mulisa defends his thesis in Constitutional Law on 1 September 2023. The public defence will be held in English.
Name of thesis: "Supranational and National Constitutions in Shaping Human Rights Jurisprudence: A Comparison of the East African Community and the European Union"
Opponent: Associate Professor Markus Böckenförde, Central European University
Examination Board:
Professor Charles Fombad, University of Pretoria
Professor Xavier Groussot, Lund University
Associate Professor Maria Bergström, Uppsala University
Substitute: Associate Professor Katalin Capannini-Kelemen, Örebro University
Chairperson of the public defence: Professor Anna Jonsson Cornell, Uppsala University
Time and place: 1 September 2023, at 10.15, Brusewitz room, Östra Ågatan 19, Uppsala.
The public defence can also be followed digitally by Zoom. Zoom link: