The DIGI-GUARD research project

The EU DIGI-GUARD project aims to find solutions to problems in the context of the ongoing digitalisation of society.
The EU DIGI-GUARD project is a collaboration between eleven research institutions in seven different EU Member States.
The project, with the full title Digital Communication and Safeguarding the Parties’ Rights: Challenges for the European Civil Procedure, is funded by the EU. It started in June 2022 and will run for two years. Professors Eric Bylander and Marie Linton represent Uppsala University as experts in their respective fields of law.
The project aims to find solutions to some of the problems faced by Member States with the ongoing digitalisation of society. The research project deals with the service of documents and the taking of evidence with particular focus on different forms of communication and information exchanges in both cross-border and national cases. One of the questions raised is how to design technological solutions to ensure the rights of the parties. For example, the right to be heard, the right to an effective remedy and the right to privacy. The right to a cost-effective process and data protection issues will also be considered. The project is multidisciplinary and involves both researchers and practitioners.
Project leaders: Eric Bylander and Marie Linton
Time period: 1 June 2022 – 31 December 2024
Funding: The European Union

Eric Bylander. Photo: Mikael Wallerstedt

Marie Linton. Photo: Mikael Wallerstedt