Anna Jonsson Cornell in new book on the rule of law

Anna Jonsson Cornell

Anna Jonsson Cornell

Anna Jonsson Cornell, Professor at the Department of Law at Uppsala University, and Richard Sannerholm, Senior Lecturer in Law at Södertörn University, are the editors of the book 'Rättsstatens principer Juridik och politik i världen, Europa och Sverige' ('Rule of Law - Law and Politics in the World, Europe and Sweden').

The rule of law is a fundamental part of the Swedish system of government, a central part of the EU's core values and a prerequisite for international relations between states. At all these levels, the importance of upholding the rule of law is emphasised in order to achieve and protect other values such as democracy, freedoms and rights and sustainable development.

The book explains the different components and relevance of the rule of law, as well as how the rule of law is defined and applied at the international, European and Swedish levels. The book describes the most important actors at the different levels, their emphases and priorities regarding the content of the rule of law, and how they relate, communicate and otherwise interact with each other. The authors have a long and broad experience of rule of law issues related to both practice and theory.

Lasse Blom

Contributing authors

Anna Jonsson Cornell, Per Bergling, Erik Wennerström och Richard Sannerholm

Here you can find the book


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