Olof Palme visiting professorship to Dag Michalsen and Uppsala University’s Faculty of Law



The Swedish Research Council has decided that Dag Michalsen, Professor of Legal History and Law at the University of Oslo, will be the 2025 holder of the Olof Palme Visiting Professorship. The host will be the Faculty of Law in Uppsala.


Dag Michalsen
Photo: University of Oslo

Dag Michalsen is active at the Department of Public and International Law at the University of Oslo and during his time in Sweden, he will be active at the Faculty of Law in Uppsala. Dag Michalsen will stay with us during the spring of 2025 to strengthen the research environment in legal history and contribute to a deeper collaboration between legal history and constitutional law on the theme Experiences of crisis. Nordic constitutional history, especially the interwar period.

The Olof Palme Visiting Professorship is awarded to internationally prominent researchers in the humanities, social sciences, theology, or law, specialising in areas of importance to the understanding of peace and conflict in a broad sense.

The project manager at the faculty will be Marianne Dahlén, senior lecturer and associate professor in legal history.

Maria Cicilaki


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