Karin Kukkonen: "Literary Games, Poetics and Storyworlds of the Early-Modern Novel"
- Date: 30 May 2024, 14:15–16:00
- Location: English Park, 6-0023 (Danius Room)
- Type: Seminar
- Organiser: The Department of Literature and Rhetoric and the Department of Linguistics and Philology
- Contact person: Paula Henrikson, Ingela Nilsson
Joint seminar, the higher seminars in Literature, Greek Studies, English literature, and the Romance Seminar.
Research presentation by Karin Kukkonen, University of Oslo.
In the salons of seventeenth-century France, novelists played literary games, improvising narration, finding new rhymes for well-known sonnets or imagining an exchange of letters. A playful approach to literature was more than just a metaphor for these novelists. Rather, I propose, they used literary games to explore what the novel could be at this early point in the genre’s development. In this talk, I will discuss Charlotte-Rose de Caumont de la Force’s Les jeux d’esprit (1701) in terms of a proto-poetics for the novel. La Force was well-known as a best-selling author of historical novels in her day, but she is also one of the pioneers of the fairy tale. Literary games, I suggest, enable what Kendall Walton calls «games of make-belief» and provide the basis for La Force’s reflections around history, fiction and the creation of fictional worlds.
The seminar will be followed by a reception in room 6-0015 (the lunchroom). We will take this opportunity to briefly present and celebrate two new publications: Ingela Nilsson’s Swedish translation of the ancient Greek novel Leucippe & Clitophon (2024) and Ellen Söderblom Saarela’s Can an object love? A philological essay on female subjectivity (2023).