Preparation lab 5203

On this page you can find information regarding access, rules, approved user list and links to forms for logging your work and applying for licences.


Responsible for the lab is Robin Elo and group responsible for MIM and BMS is Vitalii Shtender. Other people can be tasked with giving the safety training, but all access will in the end be approved by Robin Elo.

To gain access to the lab you must apply for a licence through a web based form.

After you have applied, you will be contacted to recieve safety training on the tool in question. Only once you have completed the safety training you are allowed to use the tool, and must have supervision by a practical coach until you have learnt how to use the tool for your samples.

Master students are not allowed to apply for a licence by themself, but a supervisor who is an approved user can apply for the student with the reservation that the supervisor is accountable for the students work in the lab.


Logging your work is mandatory, with no exceptions.

Apply for a licence

To gain and keep a licence as an approved user, you must apply through the web based form, recieve safety training, have a practical coach and attend user seminars.

Take care of the tools

No sample is more important than the tools. Accidents happen, but you must make sure you are not damaging the tools or using uneccessary amounts of consumables. If you are unsure about how to use a tool with a specific sample, ask your practical coach or some other experienced user, bring the question to a user seminar or search for guidelines online. Do not just keep using the tool when you see that it is not working as intended.

No bookingsystem

There is no booking system. This is intended since the tools are quick and thus it should be available when you need it. A normal session is in the range of 15-60 minutes if you know what you are doing. If a tool is occupied, just ask how long it will be.

If you do need to use a tool for more than one hour, be considerate to other users, i.e. try to perform the work when the tools are normally not used and let other users cut in line for shorter tasks. Long use should however be seen as an anomaly, and not the standard.

Keep it clean

Last, but not least, keep the lab as clean and in order as possible. There is a designated work bench to set up your samples when you are working, but this should be left free after you have finished (any materials left in this area will be thrown away regularly). After you are finished, clean the tool and surrounding areas as best as you can, and put everything back into place so that the next user can find what they are looking for.


Logging your work is mandatory, with no exceptions.

All use must be logged after finishing your work. This is to keep track on how much each tool is used, plan for purchase of consumables, and locate improvements that can be made to the lab and surrounding systems. Also, if something unexpected happens with the tools, we can trace back the usage and locate how it happened to avoid it in the future.

As previously stated, accidents do happen, what we want to avoid is continous use of the tools in a detrimental manner. You might not see an effect on your samples but the next user will have to lose hours of work due to a contaminated or damaged system. In the best case, we can trace this back and fix the problem. In the worst case, someone loses a sample that has run in a test rig for months.

Logging your work is mandatory, with no exceptions.

