Transparent conducting oxides
ForsResearch on transparent conductive oxides (TCO) and materials for electrodes in optoelectronic devices.
Uppsala University performs research on transparent conducting oxides (TCO) and materials for optoelectronic device electrodes by modified reactive magnetron sputtering processes such as multilayer OMO structures (Fig. 3), and by combining nanopatterning (nanodots, nanorods, etc.) with TCO materials for making e.g. thermoelectric coatings.

Figure 3: 3 FE-TEM cross-sectional images of (a) Ag, (b) Ag-Pd-Cu (APC) alloy, (c) APC:O (Г = 3%) and (d) APC:O (Г = 10%) showing suppressed Ag agglomeration in the APC:O film structure. Г is the ratio of oxygen flow rate to the total flow rate during reactive magnetron sputtering. In collaboration with Song’s group at Pusan National University, Korea
[24] S. Kim et al., Embedded Ultra-Thin Surface Oxidized Ag-Pd-Cu Metal Alloy Film Prepared at Low Temperature with Excellent Electronic, Optical and Mechanical Properties, ACS Appl. Mater. Interface. (2022), accepted.
[25] S. Kim et al., Transparent conductive oxide thin film sandwich structures exhibiting enhanced optical and thermoelectric properties, in manuscript.