Algebra Seminar: τ_d-tilting theory for Nakayama algebras
- Date: 19 March 2024, 15:15–17:00
- Location: Ångström Laboratory, Å64119 + Zoom
- Type: Seminar
- Lecturer: Laertis Vaso (Trondheim)
- Organiser: Matematiska institutionen
- Contact person: Volodymyr Mazorchuk
Laertis Vaso (Trondheim) holds a seminar with the title "τ_d-tilting theory for Nakayama algebras". Welcome to join!
Welcome to join on site or via Zoom link (Meeting ID: 645 5572 6999, please contact the organizer for passcode)
Abstract: τ-tilting theory and torsion theory are established areas of interest in representation theory. Recently, there have been attempts to generalize these theories in the setting of higher homological algebra. d-torsion classes were introduced by Jørgensen, and several versions of higher analogues of τ-tilting modules have been introduced by different authors (Jacobsen–Jørgensen, Martínez–Mendoza, Zhou–Zu and others). The aim of this talk is to give an explicit classification of some of these higher τ-tilting modules and higher torsion classes for truncated linear Nakayama algebras. This classification will also be used to illustrate the different properties of the proposed notions of higher τ-tilting modules. This is joint work with Endre S. Rundsveen.
This is a seminar in our algebra seminar series.