PDEA Seminar: A generalized Liouville's equation and magnetic stability 2
- Date: 6 February 2024, 10:15–11:15
- Location: Ångström Laboratory, Å64119 + Zoom
- Type: Seminar
- Lecturer: Alireza Ataei (Uppsala University)
- Organiser: Matematiska institutionen
- Contact person: Douglas Lundholm
Alireza Ataei holds a seminar with the title " A generalized Liouville's equation and magnetic stability 2". Welcome to join!
Participate on site or via Zoom link, meeting ID: 67226102216
Abstract: We maintain the topic of our previous talk and discuss the generalized Liouville's equation. In particular, we establish the explicit form of all the solutions and prove a strong connection between the Wronskian of the two polynomials and our solutions. Finally, we derive the interesting special cases and some important properties of the solutions.
This is a seminar in the PDEs and Applications seminar series