PC Seminar: The out-of-sample prediction error of the square-root lasso and related estimators

  • Date: 26 October 2023, 10:15–11:15
  • Location: Ångström Laboratory, , Å64119
  • Type: Seminar
  • Lecturer: Cynthia Rush (Columbia University)
  • Organiser: Matematiska institutionen
  • Contact person: Tiffany Lo

Cynthia Rush from Columbia University holds a seminar with the title "The out-of-sample prediction error of the square-root lasso and related estimators". Welcome to join!

Abstract: We study the classical problem of predicting an outcome variable, Y, using a linear combination of a d-dimensional covariate vector, X. We are interested in linear predictors whose coefficients solve: inf_β (E[(Y - < β, X >)^r])^(1/r) + δ || β ||, where r >1 and δ > 0 is a regularization parameter. We provide conditions under which linear predictors based on these estimators minimize the worst-case prediction error over a ball of distributions determined by a type of max-sliced Wasserstein metric. A detailed analysis of the statistical properties of this metric yields a simple recommendation for the choice of regularization parameter. The suggested order of δ, after a suitable normalization of the covariates, is typically d/n, up to logarithmic factors. Our recommendation is computationally straightforward to implement, pivotal, has provable out-of-sample performance guarantees, and does not rely on sparsity assumptions about the true data generating process. This is joint work with Jose Montiel Olea, Amilcar Velez and Johannes Wiesel. Our recommendation is computationally straightforward to implement, pivotal, has provable out-of-sample performance guarantees, and does not rely on sparsity assumptions about the true data generating process. This is joint work with Jose Montiel Olea, Amilcar Velez and Johannes Wiesel.

This is a seminar in our seminar series on Probability and Combinatorics (PC).


