Joakim Näsvall research group

Vår forskning fokuserar på en väldigt grundläggande fråga i evolutionsbiologi; hur nya gener bildas och hur de evolverar. En ny gen kan uppkomma i ett genom på tre olika sätt (Fig. 1)

Dissecting Evolution

Experimental Approaches to Unraveling Drivers and Mechanisms

We investigate the drivers and mechanisms of evolution using experimental evolution, whole-genome sequencing, and genetic techniques in bacterial model systems.

One project focuses on factors influencing the evolution of new genes, specifically what factors determine whether a gene that evolves a new function will retain its original function (becoming bifunctional) or duplicate and diverge into functionally distinct genes.

Another project examines the co-evolution of the translation machinery and codon usage, and points towards the speed-accuracy trade-off in protein synthesis as a strong driver in the process. We also study how horizontal gene transfer impacts the evolution of novel functions.

Group members

Research leader: Joakim Näsvall


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