Survey to map the need for further pharmaceutical education
In which areas do you want to improve your competences? In order to map the profession's need for further pharmaceutical education, the Faculty of Pharmacy and Alumni Association Farmis are currently conducting a survey focusing on requests for new courses and formats.
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Swedish institutes for higher education are expected and encouraged to take greater responsibility for lifelong learning and the competence development of society in addition to traditional education at first and second cycle level.
The situation surrounding Covid-19 has accentuated the need, but it is also rooted in the great changes we are observing in society as a result of digitalisation, globalization and climate change. The university can offer independent courses, master's and master's programs at advanced level and commissioned education. Commissioned training means that the employer buys training for its employees.
In order to map the profession’s need for updating of skills, the Faculty of Pharmacy and Alumni Association Farmis are currently conducting a survey. We are interested in your requests for new courses and formats and will be very grateful if you take the time to answer the questions by clicking on the following link:
To survey
- Alumnenkät om kompetensutveckling (survey in Swedish)
(Image removed) Elin Svedin, Alumni Association Farmis
(Image removed) Sandström, Anja, Faculty of Pharmacy
Deputy dean for first and second cycle education, 018-471 5026