Important scientific publications signed SweDeliver

This spring, Prosper Emeh, Christel Bergström, Yassir Al-Tikriti, Per Hansson, Vicky Barmpatsalou, Marco Tjakra and Ilse Dubbelboer of SweDeliver are publishing new scientific findings that add valuable knowledge to ongoing research and current challenges in oral and parenteral drug delivery.

Nya publiceringar

Prosper Emeh reports in his article Experiences and Translatability of In Vitro and In Vivo Models to Evaluate Caprate as a Permeation Enhancer on studies of a selection of in vitro and in vivo methods that are applicable in selecting of Transient permeation enhancers with the aim to improve the oral absorption of macromolecules.

In the article, Emeh, a PhD student in SweDeliver's Oral drug delivery Work package, shares experiences of using the studied models, as well as the challenges with the in vitro models in mimicking the processes occurring in vivo. Emeh also highlights the need to consider these differences when translating data generated using these in vitro models for evaluating macromolecules, PE, and combinations thereof for enabling oral delivery. The article, co-authored by Center leader Christel Bergström and SweDeliver alumnus Staffan Berg a o, is published in the journal Mol. Pharmaceutics, Volume 21, 2024.

Yassir Al-Tikriti and Per Hansson in SweDeliver's Parenteral drug delivery Work package, report in article A small-angle X-ray scattering study of amphiphilic drug self-assemblies in polyacrylate microgels on studies of the size and organization of the self-assemblies formed by the hydrochloride salts of amitriptyline, chlorpromazine, and doxepin in sodium polyacrylate microgels. Small-angle X-ray scattering was used to determine the microstructure of drug loaded microgels in aqueous environment at ionic strengths relevant for drug loading (0.01 M) and release (0.15 M).

Hansson forskning

The article, published in Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Volume 686, 2024, provide a structural basis for, and justification of, previously assumed microstructures underlying mechanistic models of drug-microgel interactions and drug release.

Vicky Barmpatsalou, who defended her thesis Understanding the gastrointestinal mucus and its impact on drug absorption in autumn 2023, has published the article Development of a canine artificial colonic mucus model for drug diffusion studies in the journal European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 194, 2024.

In the article, Vicky Barmpatsalou – in collaboration with Marco Tjakra and Ilse Dubbelboer – describes the development of a model that mimics the colonic mucus in dogs. The model is applicable to study drug permeation across the mucus and its flexibility allows its use in various set ups depending on the nature of the compound under investigation and equipment availability.



Christel Bergström, Professor
Department of Pharmacy, Uppsala University

text: Magnus Alsne, photo: Mikael Wallerstedt, SweDeliver

