Several new publications from SweDeliver's junior researchers

SweDeliver continues to conduct high quality research. In the spring of 2022, Vicky Barmpatsalou, Ilse Dubbelboer, Agnes Rodler and Yassir Al-Tikriti are publishing articles that add important knowledge to the field of parenteral and oral drug delivery.

(Image removed) Vicky Barmpatsalou, Ilse Dubbelboer, Agnes Rodler and Yassir Al-Tikriti

In the article Gastrointestinal mucus in dog: Physiological characteristics, composition, and structural properties, Vicky Barmpatsalou, Ilse Dubbelboer and Agnes Rodler characterise the composition and structure of mucus throughout the various gastrointestinal segments in dogs.

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The study introduces data that are expected to provide an important baseline for future studies on human and canine intestinal diseases and the dog model in drug absorption. The article is published in the European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, volume 173, 2022.

Yassir Al-Tikriti, PhD student in SweDeliver's Parenteral Drug Delivery Work package, publishes the article Drug-Induced Phase Separation in Polyelectrolyte Microgels in the journal Gels 2022, 8, 4.

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In the current study, Yassir Al-Tikriti, together with Professor Per Hansson, use specially constructed microscopy cell and micromanipulators to study the size and internal morphology of single microgels equilibrated in small liquid volumes of AMT solution. The results support the team's hypothesis that the boundary between collapsed and swollen phases in the same microgel is stabilised by thermodynamic factors.

Ilse Dubbelboer, researcher in SweDeliver's Parenteral Drug Delivery Work package, has published the article Overview of Authorized Drug Products for Subcutaneous Administration: Pharmaceutical, Therapeutic and Physico-Chemical Properties in the European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Special number: SI: Personalized Medicines, biopharmaceuticals, precision drug delivery, quality control, 2022.

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In this study, Ilse Dubbelboer, in collaboration with Erik Sjögren, provides an overview of the pharmaceutical, therapeutic and physicochemical properties of subcutaneously administered drug products for humans and animals that are market authorized in EU, Canada, and the US. The overview is expected to be of great importance for translational and in silico models used for calculating optimized bioavailability of subcutaneously administered biological drugs.



(Image removed) Christel Bergström, Professor
Department of Pharmacy, Uppsala University

text: Magnus Alsne, photo: Mikael Wallerstedt, SweDeliver

