Deputy Dean Anja Sandström: Pent-up needs and backlogged models

With May just a few hours away, tulip blossoms are sprouting in the flower beds, the media reports that Uppsala was the first in Sweden to have summer, and the city’s students are preparing for Valborg with extra anticipation. After two years of postponed celebrations, there are many pent-up needs. Personally, I’m looking forward to putting on my student cap on the balcony of Carolina Rediviva, writes Deputy Dean Anja Sandström.

(Image removed) Anja Sandström Deputy Dean for first and second cycle education

Speaking of pent-up needs, after two years of isolation and staring at screens, the longing for physical meetings has been tangible. So, it was particularly welcome that in early April, the Vice-Rector took the management of the disciplinary domain and the heads of department on a train trip to the universities of Lund and Copenhagen.

The aim was to see what Max IV’s maxed beamlines offer Medfarm researchers, followed by how our Danish colleagues are working on translational research and direct patient benefit through the “Clinical Academic Groups”. Relevant, inspiring, and not least meaningful exchanges of experience (read: continuing education) in meeting each other during setup times and over dinners.

So, what’s happening on the education side at Medfarm? Whether it’s pent-up needs or simply a backlogged evaluation model, all of Medfarm’s master’s programmes, stand-alone courses and contract education courses will undergo or complete their quality evaluation in 2022. We are in the final year of Uppsala University’s first six-year cycle of educational quality assurance reviews, and we – who diligently warn our students about procrastination – have saved a lot for last.

Intensive work is underway at all levels to gather documentation, self-evaluate and arrange assessor visits to review twelve master’s programmes and a plethora of courses. It will be exciting to see the strengths and development needs – and even more exciting to be part of the intense discussions to follow. One thing is for sure: We have very dedicated teachers and students at Medfarm, which makes the deanship so stimulating!

Meanwhile, GRUFF and GRUNK have made sure to conduct a needs assessment with alumni and stakeholders. Which courses in medicine and pharmacy and which formats are desired for the Lifelong Learning? The results will be rooted and kneaded on the floor in the coming years.

Finally, I wish you all a wonderful spring with all pent-up needs satisfied.

(Image removed) Anja Sandström
Deputy Dean for first and second cycle education


photo: Mikael Wallerstedt

