Thank you for all fantastic efforts • We already look forward to meeting you again!

The summer calm is gradually finding its way back to BMC after yet another academic year characterized by hard work and loads of it. But whenever the burden may seem like the new normal rather than an exception, it is important that we sometimes take the time to look around at everything we accomplish. The view is magnificent!

(Image removed) Anja Sandström, Deputy Dean, and Mathias Hallberg, Dean

Our revised Master of Science Programme in Pharmacy has found its new form and this summer the first batch of students are ready to apply for their licenses. Next summer, it is time for the students at our similarly revised Bachelor of Science Programme to do the same - and we ourselves are already looking forward to this autumn’s evaluations of our educations, which we hope will generate important guidance on how we can sharpen our educational activities further.

This autumn, we will also launch Sweden's first Master's Programme in Biopharmaceuticals, and if we add our successful research and advanced positions in several strategically important collaborations, it is easy to see that our faculty really is on a roll. The fact that our determined work and successful collaboration with Uppsala University's Faculty of Medicine is rewarded with top positions in numerous international rankings naturally provides extra inspiration for the future.

In early July, we look forward to welcoming 300 PhD students and researchers from all over Europe to BMC and the ULLA Summer School. We also hope to meet many of you at Campus Gotland, at our Almedal seminars but also at the freestanding courses our faculty offers in Visby.

We would also like to take this opportunity to welcome Ola Söderberg, Professor of Pharmaceutical Cell Biology, who today, 1 July, is new Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences. At the same time, we thank Björn Hellman, former Head of Department, for his many and valuable contributions to the development of the Department and our entire Faculty.

Finally, we want to thank all of you; employees, colleagues, students and partners for your many fantastic efforts during the past year. We hope that you all have a nice and sunny summer and we already look forward to meeting you again at the start of the autumn term!

Mathias Hallberg, Dean
Anja Sandström, Deputy Dean
Faculty of Pharmacy, Uppsala University


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