PhD Curriculum - Information for Doctoral Students
Core study program for PhD students in Systematic Biology Spring 2018
PhD students in systematic biology are expected to have some PhD-level training in four of the main aspects of systematics. These are listed below, along with some suggested books and courses. You should take at least one course, book, or journal club from at least four of these five areas. You’ll notice that number five is very broad. This is because Systematics is hard to define and constantly changing, so if there is something you feel should be included (e.g., population genetics or paleontology), this is the place for it.
Please note – these are only suggestions. Courses change, and/or are offered only infrequently. There are also many books available on these topics and more being printed.
- Some sites to check for courses:
- ForBio :
- Evoldir :
- EMBO :
If you have questions about whether a course or book is suitable as SysBio PhD curriculum material, ask your supervisor or the program professor (forskarutbildning professor or FUAP – i.e. Hanna)
1- Organisms and Systematics
- Webster & Weber (2007) Introduction to the Fungi, 3rd edition. Cambridge Univ. Press
- Moore, Robson, and Trinci (2013) 21st Century Guidebook to Fungi. Cambridge Univ Press
- Judd, et al. (2015) Plant Systematics, A Phylogenetic Approach 4th edition. Sinauer Assoc.
- Simpson et al. (2016) Handbook of the Protists. Springer Meteor
- Judith Winston (1999) Describing Species. Columbia University Press
- Hausmann et al. (2003) Protistology, 3rd edidtion (E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung)
- Fungal Diversity and Evolution (NABIS)
- Plant Systematics and Diversity (NABIS)
- Fundamental and Molecular Systematics (NABIS)
- Species Concepts and Species Delimitation (ForBio)
2- Taxonomy
- Alpha Taxonomical Principles (NABIS); Biological Nomenclature (ForBio)
- Zoological Nomenclature (ForBio); Basics of Taxonomy (ForBio)
3- Evolution and Phylogeny
- Graur and Li (2000) Fundamentals of Molecular Evolution. Sinauer Assoc.
- Joseph Felsenstein (2004) Inferring Phylogenies. Sinauer Assoc.
- David Morrison (2011) An Introduction to Phylogenetic Networks. RJR Productions
- Douglas Futuyma (2013) Evolution. Sinauer Assoc.
- Advanced Phylogenetics (NABIS); Phylgenomics (ForBio)
- Introduction to Phylogenetic Methods (ForBio)
- Computational Molecular Evolution:
- Phylogenetics; Phylogenomics:
4- Bioinformatics, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Genomics, Population Genetics
- Pollard & Earnshaw (2008) Cell Biology. Elsevier Publishing
- Krebs, Goldstein, Kilpatrick (2013) Lewin’s GENES XI. Jones & Bartlett
- Bruce Albers et al. (2015) Molecular Biology of the Cell 6th ed. Garland Science
- Bessant et al. (2014) Building Bioinformatics Solutions with Perl, R and MySQL. Oxford Univ Press
- Dan Graur (2016) Molecular and Genome Evolution: Sinauer Assoc.
- Haddock & Dunn (2011) Practical Computing for Biologists. Sinauer Assoc.
- Nielsen & Slatkin (2013) An introduction to Population Genetics. Sinauer Assoc.
- Phylogenetic Analysis using R (ForBio)
5- Other related topics, e.g. Paleontology, Biogeography, Population Genetics
- Boenigk, Wodniok, Glücksman (2015) Biodiversity and Earth History. Springer-Verlag
- Andrew B. Smith (1994) Systematics and the fossil record. Blackwell Scientific.
- Lomolino, Riddle, Whittaker & Brown (2010) Biogeography. Sinauer Assoc.