Jasmina Nedevska, Katharina Berndt Rasmussen and Niklas Olsson-Yaouzis
- Date: 19 November 2021, 10:15–13:00
- Location: Blåsenhus, – 12:228 and Zoom (contact Folke Tersman for link)
- Type: Seminar
- Organiser: Department of Philosophy
- Contact person: Folke Tersman
The Higher Seminar in Practical Philosophy, Uppsala University, and The Higher Seminar in Practical Philosophy, Stockholm University
1) Jasmina Nedevska, UU: "Institutions for Future Generations: Two Obstacles to Political Legitimacy in Future-Oriented Climate Change Litigation". Reviewer: Niklas Möller, SU.
2) Katharina Berndt Rasmussen och Niklas Olsson-Yaouzis, SU: "The tyranny of political correctness? A game theoretic model of social norms and implicit bias". Reviewer: Andrew Reisner, UU.