PhD Studies

The Board of the Faculty of Science and Technology has the overreaching responsibility for the education. The ongoing responsibility is exercised by the department where the doctoral student is registered.

Vacancies are advertised

Vacancies in third-cycle education are announced by the department responsible for the subject or specialisation. The announcement of vacancies is made through open advertising. The announcement shall be available locally and on the university's website at least three weeks before the application deadline and should be given appropriate national and international distribution. The faculty has no common call or admission date, but calls are made continuously during the year. There are exceptions to the requirement for open advertising in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance.


The head of the department of the subject/specialisation accepts doctoral students. Doctoral students with other funding than employment as doctoral student at Uppsala University, i.e. industry-based doctoral students, students with their own funds (such as scholarships), students employed at another higher education institution, part-time students, and licentiate students, are accepted by the Faculty Board on the recommendation of the Postgraduate Education Board.

Admission is decided after consultation with the supervisors at the department/division. An individual study plan should be drawn up in connection with an admission. Normally, the supervisors formulate the research project in connection with the admission.

The study syllabus consists of two parts, one general study syllabus for the doctoral education subject and possible associated specialisation and one individual study syllabus. The general study syllabus is decided by the Faculty of Science and Technology and the individual study plan the student establishes together with his/her supervisor.

General Study Syllabus

The general syllabus describes faculty-wide goals and rules for doctoral programmes and contains specific provisions for the subject and specialisation. The general syllabus states the main content of the programme, specific entry requirements, assessment criteria regarding the ability to benefit from the programme, the relationship between courses and the doctoral dissertation, the possibility of graduating with a Degree of Licentiate, and the requirements for each degree at doctoral level. Subject-specific elements of general syllabuses are established by the Board of Doctoral Education based on a proposal by the professor responsible for doctoral studies. A specific template shall be used for proposals for new or revised subject-specific elements of general syllabuses.

Doctoral subjects and specialisations, general syllabuses and professors with responsibility for doctoral subjects

Template for general study syllabus (requires login with email address and password A)

General Study Syllabuses in Physics and Astronomy

Astronomy and Astrophysics
Theoretical Physics

Compulsory / Mandatory Course

Faculty PhD Courses

Postgraduate courses on the Faculty of Science and Technology's website

Subject Specific PhD Courses in Physics and Astronomy

  • Astronomy, 5hp
  • Astroparticle Physics, 5hp
  • Space physics, 5hp*
  • High energy physics, 5hp
  • Jonstrålebaserad materialanalys, 5hp (FTN0057)
  • Materials Physics, 5hp
  • Materials theory, 5hp
  • Molecular and condensed matter physics, 5hp
  • Nuclear physics, 5hp
  • Topics in applied nuclear physics, 5hp
  • Topics in the theory and practice of physics teaching and learning, 5hp
  • Topics in instrumentation and accelerator physics
  • Theoretical physics, 5hp

* Given by Swedish Institute of Space Physics

Subject Specific Courses also given as Master Courses

PhD Ombud

The PhD student ombuds are two PhD students at the Department of Physics and Astronomy to help the PhD students with any issues regarding financing, terms of employment, harassment, discrimination and problems with the supervisor or colleagues.


