Renewable Energy Symposium
- Date: 16 February 2024, 09:00–19:30
- Location: University Main Building, University main building, Lecture Hall X
- Type: Seminar
- Organiser: Communications Division, Håkan Rensmo, Tomas Edvinsson and Marina Freitag
- Contact person: Håkan Rensmo and Tomas Edvinsson
9.00 - 9.10 Introduction and welcome (Tomas Edvinsson, Håkan Rensmo)
Chair: Ute Cappel
9.10 - 9.30 Marina Freitag (Newcastle Uni, UK)
9.40 - 10.00 Satoshi Uchida (Tokyo Uni, Japan)
10.00 - 10.20 Kazutera Nonumura (Tokyo Uni, Japan)
10.30 - 11.00 Coffee Break
Chair: Gerrit Boschloo
11.00 - 11.20 Eva Unger (Helmholtz, Humboldt Uni, Helmholtz-Zentrum, Germany)
11.20 - 11.40 Michael Saliba (Stuttgart Uni, Germany)
11.40 - 12.00 Leif Hammarström (Uppsala Uni, Sweden)
13.30 - 13.40 Introduction and welcoming, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Coco Norén
Chair: Charlotte Platzer Björkman
13.40 - 14.10 Michael Grätzel - Molecular Photovoltaics and the Rise of Perovskite Solar Cell.
14.10 - 14.30 Kristina Edström - Research excellence and excellent batteries – a conflict?
14.30 - 14.50 Elizabeth Gibson - Circular Economy of Chemicals
14.50-15.20 Coffee Break
15.20-15.40Jenny Helin - Energy transitions and economic systems – where goal conflicts need to be exposed.
15.40-16.00 Maria Forsberg - Solar cells and conflicting interests - an environmental law perspective
16.00-16.30 Sverker Sörlin - Why can't science give us sustainability faster? Reflections on solving grand societal challenges.
16.30-17.30Panel debate - Conflicts of Goals (Moderator: Marika Edoff) - the afternoon speakers.
17.30 Closing
18.00 -19.30 Mingle