90 million SEK from The Knut och Alice Wallenberg Foundation

The Knut och Alice Wallenberg Foundation has approved grants totalling SEK 90 million for three research projects from the Department of Physics and Astronomy.

Project: “Harnessing light and spins through plasmons at the nanoscale”
Grant: SEK 37,995,000 over five years
Principal investigator: Alexander Dmitriev, Associate Professor, Chalmers University of Technology
Co-applicants: Vassilios Kapaklis (Materials Physics), professor Björgvin Hjörvarsson (Materials Physics) och professor Peter Oppeneer (Materials Physics)

Project: “Exact results in gauge and string theories”
Grant: SEK 33,960,000 over five years
Principal investigator: Professor Joseph Minahan (Theoretical Physics), Uppsala University
Co-applicant: Professor Konstantin Zarembo (Theoretical Physics) at Uppsala universitet and Nordita (Nordic Institute of Theoretical Physics)

Project: Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study
Grant: SEK 18,000,000 over five years
Principal investigator: Professor Björn Wittrock, Uppsala University
Co-applicants: Hans Ellegren, Dan Larhammar, Ulf Landegren, professor Nikolai Piskunov (Astronomy and Space Physics), professor Ulf Danielsson (Theoretical Physics), professor Carl-professor Henrik Heldin, professor Gunnar Ingelman (High Energy Physics), Senior professor Ulf Pettersson at Uppsala universitet

The projects are considered to be of the highest international class, and offering potential for future scientific breakthroughs. The Knut och Alice Wallenberg Foundation has approved grants totalling SEK 759 million for 25 research projects.

All approved grants from The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation 2015

