Six Grants to Research Infrastructures to the Department of Physics and Astronomy
The Swedish Research Council decided on September 20, 2017 to finance six research infrastructures of national interest with the main applicant or fellow applicants at the Department of Physics and Astronomy.
The awarded grants are:
Infrastructure: IceCube
Project title: Maintenance and operations costs for the IceCube Neutrino Observatory
Main applicant: Olga Botner, Division of High Energy Physics
Infrastructure: SuperADAM
Project title: Super ADAM @ ILL
Main applicant: Björgvin Hjörvarsson, Division of Materials Physics
Infrastructure: Infrastruktur för forskning och utveckling av fusionsreaktorer
Project title: Infrastructure for research and development of fusion reactors
Main applicant: Göran Ericsson, Division of Applied Nuclear Physics
Infrastructure: Ion Technology Centre
Main applicant: Daniel Primetzhofer, Tandem Laboratory
Infrastructure: LHC (Large Hadron Collider)
Project title: Alice & Atlas
Main applicant: Bengt Lund-Jensen, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan
Fellow applicant: Richard Brenner, Division of High Energy Physics
Infrastructure: Förberedelser för instrumentering till E-ELT
Project title: Instrumentation for E-ELT
Main applicant: Göran Östlin, Stockholm University
Fellow applicant: Nikolai Piskunov, Division of Astronomy and Space Physics