35 Million SEK in Project and Starting Grants from the Swedish Research Council

The Swedish Research Council reached a decision on November 1, 2018 on project grants and starting grants for Natural and Engineering Sciences. The Department of Physics and Astronomy is granted 34 980 000 SEK for the period 2018-2022 for in total seven project grants and three starting grants. The projects will begin during 2019.

The granted projects are:

Research Project Grants

Project title: New Topological Superconductors using Flat Bands, Orbital Effects, and Quantum Critical Points
Main applicant: Annica Black-Schaffer, Division of Materials Theory
Grant amount: 3 259 000 SEK for the period 2019-2022

Project title: Elektronstruktur tuning hos hybrid-perovskitmaterial för solceller
Main applicant: Sergei Butorin, Division of Molecular and Condensed Matter Physics
Grant amount: 3 456 000 SEK for the period 2019-2022

Project title: Controlling Magnetism with Light in Space and Time
Main applicant: Hermann Dürr, FREIA
Grant amount: 3 456 000 SEK for the period 2019-2022

Project title: Quantum Fields at Strong Coupling, Supersymmetry and Geometry
Main applicant: Guido Festuccia, Division of Theoretical Physics
Grant amount: 3 560 000 SEK for the period 2019-2022

Project title: Electron dynamics in the emergent energy landscape of mixed semiconductor devices – studied with electron spectroscopies at attosecond and picosecond timescales
Main applicant: Andreas Lindblad, Division of Molecular and Condensed Matter Physics
Grant amount: 3 200 000 SEK for the period 2019-2022

Project title: Studier av halid- och oxidmaterial och deras gränsskikt för optoelektronik – Atomär förståelse från avancerade röntgenbaserade spektroskopiska metoder
Main applicant: Håkan Rensmo, Division of Molecular and Condensed Matter Physics
Grant amount: 3 320 000 SEK for the period 2019-2022

Project title: Resonant Soft X-ray Scattering Applied to Atoms and Molecules
Main applicant: Jan-Erik Rubensson, Division of Molecular and Condensed Matter Physics
Grant amount: 3 659 000 SEK for the period 2018-2021

Starting Grants

Project title: Material under extrema betingelser
Main applicant: Mahmoud Abdel-Hafiez, Division of Molecular and Condensed Matter Physics
Grant amount: 3 600 000 SEK for the period 2019-2022

Project title: Analytic techniques to explore Conformal Field Theories
Main applicant: Agnese Bissi, Division of Theoretical Physics
Grant amount: 3 970 000 SEK for the period 2019-2022

Project title: En enhetlig teori för antiferromagnetisk spinntronik och spinnorbitronik
Main applicant: Dmitry Yudin
Grant amount: 3 500 000 SEK for the period 2019-2022

