Four research infrastructures at Uppsala University receive funding

The Swedish Research Council has decided on funding for Swedish and international research infrastructures of national interest. Of these, four will receive funding with Uppsala University as the main applicant.

Illustration of DNA spirals

Photo/image: Getty

In total, the Swedish Research Council is awarding approximately SEK 965 million for the grant period 2024-2028 within the call Grants to research infrastructures of national interest 2023. Of the 21 research infrastructures receiving funding from the Swedish Research Council, Uppsala University has the main responsibility for four. The funding levels will be negotiated between the Swedish Research Council and the applicant organisations.

Uppsala University heads the following four research infrastructures that receive funding in the call:

National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS) and Swedish node in ELIXIR (the European Biological Information Infrastructure)

Biobank Sweden

Tandem Laboratory

IceCube Neutrino Observatory and Infrastructure for astroparticle physics with neutrinos

Of the other research infrastructures receiving funding in the 2023 call, Uppsala University participates in the following:

ALICE and ATLAS, ArchLab, BioMS – infrastructure within biological mass spectrometry, DEMSCORE: Research Infrastructure for Democracy, Environment, Migration, Social policy, Conflict, and Representation, Fusion and EUROfusion, Huminfra, Myfab, National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI), The Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC), National Microscopy Infrastructure, NMI, Swedish Biodiversity Data Infrastructure, SBDI.

Anneli Björkman


Grants for research infrastructure of national interest

Research infrastructure and Uppsala University

