SEK 500 million to materials research for increased sustainability

The Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability (WISE) is now investing SEK 500 million in equipment and infrastructure at seven Swedish universities. SEK 74 million will go to research platforms at Uppsala University. WISE is the largest ever investment in materials research for sustainability in Sweden and is financed by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.

Bowl with gray powder and protruding perforated rectilinear angles

WISE Additive is a national platform for 3D printing. One important task will be to customise powders for research. Photo: Salim Ghandour

Progress in combating climate change and transitioning to a sustainable society is highly dependent on new advanced materials. The creation of infrastructure and cutting-edge research are prerequisites for accelerating the transition and the development of green technologies.

Plattforms located at Uppsala University

Three of the approved platforms will be located at Uppsala University. They will receive a total of SEK 74 million.

WISE Additive is a national platform for 3D printing. One important task will be to customise powders for research.

WISE EST (Enabling Sustainable technology Transitions) focuses on tribology – the science of surfaces in contact with one another, which includes friction, wear and lubrication – and will investigate how surfaces are affected by stress and relative motion.

Near Ambient Pressure XPS involves using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to study the surfaces of materials. In the LigHt technology platform at Uppsala University, the tool is integrated with new instrumentation for extreme elemental sensitivity and structural analysis, and with the accelerator facility at the Tandem Laboratory, and targets light elements in materials and corrosion processes.

“The initiative is a much-needed injection that creates opportunities to hone materials research in several areas relevant to sustainable transition. For Uppsala University, this means a special focus on additive manufacturing, tribology and characterisation of materials with light elements such as lithium and hydrogen,” says Charlotte Platzer Björkman, Vice-Rector of the Faculty of Science and Technology at Uppsala University and board member of WISE.

The equipment is expected to become operational starting in 2024 and run for the duration of the WISE project. For the more time-consuming deployment of WISE research platforms, the equipment is expected to become operational in 2025.

Åsa Malmberg

About WISE

WISE, the Wallenberg Initiative Materials Science for Sustainability, is the largest investment in materials science in Sweden to date and includes major investments at the leading universities in Sweden over a period of more than 10 years. The vision is materials science that enables a sustainable world.

The programme is a collaboration between Chalmers University of Technology, KTH, Linköping University, Luleå University of Technology, Uppsala University, Stockholm University, Lund University and selected research groups at Karlstad University, Umeå University and Örebro University.

Through collaborations with industry and society, WISE will promote and activate a transition to a sustainable society while advancing the scientific frontier in materials science, establishing Sweden as a leading nation in the field.

WISE is funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. The total budget for the WISE programme for 2022–2033 is close to SEK 3 billion.

Read more

WISE website

SEK 74 million in WISE funding for technology platforms at Uppsala University

