Science Fika: Extreme Astrophysics: the IceCube neutrino telescope at the South Pole

  • Date: 26 February 2023, 14:00–23:59
  • Location: Uppsala City Library, Mallas salen
  • Type: Lecture
  • Lecturer: Carlos Perez de los Heros
  • Contact person: Carlos Perez de los Heros

The lecture is given in English.

IceCube is the weirdest telescope of all. Buried 2.5 km below the Antarctic ice, it continuously monitors the sky in search of neutrinos, ghostly particles that hardly interact but that can reveal the inner workings of the most violent objects in the Universe: Supernova explosions, supermassive black holes or bursts of gamma rays. The talk will guide you through why do we need neutrino telescopes, how they work and recent discoveries of IceCube.


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