Timea Vitos Awarded Grants for International Postdoc
On June 1, 2023, the Swedish Research Council decided on funds for International postdoc within natural and engineering sciences. The Department of Physics and Astronomy was granted funds for one project.
Timea Vitos at the division of High Energy Physics is granted SEK 3 450 000 for the period 2023-2026 for the project Novel approach to the computation of crucial multi-jet background in high energy research. In total, the Swedish Research Council granted 14 out of 63 applications with SEK 48 million for the period 2023-2026.
The funding is an international postdoc grant, within which the grant holder can perform the proposed research in an international environment.
"The proposed project is a natural continuation of one of the projects during my PhD studies. This grant will allow me to establish the broader and overarching goals of this project. Through the work, I will be more integrated in the phenomenology and MadGraph5 community, while at the same time creating new connections at both the administrating and host departments. This will hopefully serve as a solid ground for continuing within this field of research in a more long-term perspective.", says Timea Vitos.
The project is performed at a host department in at least 2/3 of the grant period, while the remaining time can be spent at the administrating organization. Timea Vitos is hired by Uppsala University, but the main host will be ELTE in Budapest, where she will be located most of the grant period. But she will also be regularly located at the secondary host UCLouvain in Brussels and at Uppsala University for shorter periods.
The official project grant period starts July 1, but can be moved up to 6 months upon agreement with the universities involved and Timea Vitos will follow the more commonly established postdoc cycle and start in late November/December, of 2023.
Read more about International postdoc within natural and engineering sciences 2023