Grants for renewable-energy research

The Swedish Research Council and the Swedish Energy Agency are collaborating in an initiative to provide project grants for energy-oriented basic research. Which projects to fund in the 2017 call for applications has now been decided. Uppsala University is receiving grants for four projects.

To receive support in the “Energy-oriented basic research” call, projects had to be of high scientific quality, with very good potential for contributing to a fully renewable energy system, a resource-efficient society and/or a flexible, robust energy system.

A total of 20 applications have been successful. Four of the grants awarded in the 2017 call go to Uppsala University:

  • Olle Eriksson, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Materials Theory: Finding new permanent magnets with theory
  • Carl Hägglund, Department of Engineering Sciences, Solid State Electronics: Nanocontacts for tandem solar cells
  • Johannes Messinger, Department of Chemistry – Ångström Laboratory, Molecular Biomimetics; Photosynthesis Group: Activation of base metals for electrocatalytic water splitting
  • Carlos Moyses Graca Araujo, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Materials Theory: High-capacity organic electrode materials for green batteries

Anna Malmberg

