Theoretical Physics Seminar: Istvan Szecsenyi
- Date: 18 October 2023, 13:45–15:00
- Location: Ångström Laboratory, 80121
- Type: Seminar
- Lecturer: Istvan Szecsenyi (Nordita)
- Contact person: Jacopo Sisti
Title: Regge spectroscopy of higher twist states in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory
Abstract: We study a family of higher-twist Regge trajectories in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory using the Quantum Spectral Curve. We explore the many-sheeted Riemann surface and show the interplay between the higher-twist trajectories and the several degenerate non-local operators, called (near-)horizontal trajectories, that have a strong connection to light ray operators, objects omnipresent in 4-dimensional Minkowskian CFTs. We resolve the encountered degeneracy analytically by computing the first non-trivial order of the Regge intercept at weak coupling, which exhibits new behaviour: it depends linearly on the coupling. This is consistent with our numerics, which interpolate all the way to strong coupling.