"How should stress-induced exhaustion be treated?"
- Date: 2 December 2024, 15:15–17:00
- Location: Blåsenhus, Sydney Alrutz-salen (13:026)
- Type: Seminar
- Organiser: Department of Psychology, Division of Clinical Psychology
- Contact person: Jakob Clason van de Leur
The General Seminar
- Victoria Blom, Lic. Psychologist, Professor, Department of Physical Activity and Health, Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences
- Alexander Rozental, Lic. Psychologist, Professor, Department of Health, Education and Technology, Luleå University of Technology
- Elin Lindsäter, Lic. Psychologist, PhD, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, KI
- Anna Finnes, Lic. Psychologist, PhD, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, KI
- Jakob Clason van de Leur, Lic. Psychologist, PhD, Department of Psychology, UU