New article in Nature Communications. P Nyström, E Nilsson Jobs, G Gredebäck and T Falck-Ytter co-authors.
New article published in Nature Communications:"Enhanced pupillary light reflex in infancy is associated with autism diagnosis in toddlerhood". Pär Nyström, Elisabeth Nilsson Jobs, Gustaf Gredebäck and Terje Falck-Ytter are co-authors.
The article is highlighted by (all articles in Swedish):
- Uppsala University's News and Media Service: "Känslighet för ljus hos spädbarn kopplas till autismdiagnos"
- The news paper Svenska Dagbladet: "Ny upptäckt kan leda till tidigare autismdiagnos"
- The news paper Upsala Nya Tidning: "Ökad ljuskänslighet kan förebåda autism"