Project between Malin Eriksson and the municipality of Heby covered in media
The cooperation project, in support of inactive adolescents, between the PhD student Malin Eriksson and the municipality of Heby is covered by Uppsala University's media services, the municipality of Heby. and the newspaper Upsala Nya Tidning (UNT):
- Read UU's press release (in Swedish): "Samverkansprojekt för sysslolösa ungdomar i Heby"
- Read press release from the municipality of Heby (in Swedish): "Uppsala universitet och Heby kommun utvecklar insatserna för ungdomar utan sysselsättning"
- Read article in UNT (in Swedish): "Satsning ska nå fler sysslolösa unga"
(Image removed) Photo: Upsala Nya Tidning