Highest rating for the book 'Nursing & Elderly'
Mats Christiansen, lecturer and doctoral student at our institution, has contributed to the latest edition of the book 'Nursing & Elderly', which has recently been reviewed by Bibliotekstjänst (BTJ) and received the highest rating.
The review was published in BTJ booklet no. 8, 2024, and gives the book the highest possible rating (5 out of 5). Reviewer Matts Lindberg writes, among other things: 'The red thread through the book is the idea of person-centered care and the focus on the individual's inherent right to control their own life regardless of age, situation, or medical status.'
Mats has written the chapter 'When the Rainbow Grays,' which deals with the aging LGBTQ+ person and specific considerations in caring for this group of aging individuals.
'Nursing & Elderly' is not only a textbook for nurses but also a perfect introduction to nursing and caring for elderly people. Congratulations to Mats and colleagues on an important and high-quality resource in elderly care!